From: James Kelly
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 3:40 PM
To: 'Chris Kelsey'
Cc: Eric deMontigny; Tom Giese; Randy Norman; David Randolph; Terry Castle
Subject: RE: Geotech Boring/Test Pit locations

Attachments: 07-10-2007(2).pdf

Chris –


Attached are geotech borings performed by Earth Tech in 1996 to support the 1998 plant expansion.  Thank you Terry for your diligent records search.


Hope these prove useful –




From: Chris Kelsey []
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 2:42 PM
To: Randy Norman; David Randolph
Cc: James Kelly; Eric deMontigny; Tom Giese
Subject: FW: Geotech Boring/Test Pit locations




Per the geotechs note below, please paint the finalized locations of the 3 shifted bore holes at the WWTP. It now appears that they will be on site Tuesday, July 17, at 8 AM, and start work at the WWTP. Please note some space needs for their 3 vehicles described below and let me know of any issues. Thanks for preparing the site -





From: Debra C. Overbay []
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 2:28 PM
To: Chris Kelsey; Thomas Tobin
Subject: RE: Geotech Boring/Test Pit locations

Hi Chris- 


The shifted locations look fine, please have them paint the cleared locations.  Our drillers will be finishing up an Everett job on the 16th and will be up in Arlington on Tuesday, the 17th.  We set an 8:00 am start time for Tuesday.  Can you also let Randy or David know that we will have three vehicles on site:  1) the drill rig which is a standard single unit truck (a bit smaller than a dump truck), (2) the service truck is a flat bed single unit truck, and (3) a small GeoEngineers truck or van with the sampling equipment.  I can also call them if you wish.





From: Chris Kelsey []
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 10:29 AM
To: Debra C. Overbay; Thomas Tobin
Subject: FW: Geotech Boring/Test Pit locations



Please note slight adjustments to boring locations, based on feedback below and the attachment. If you are still OK with these locations, I'll have the City paint the shifted boring locations at the WWTP. Also, is there any update on having the drilling equipment out on the 16th and 17th? When you get the chance, any info on timing of that work, and which facility you'll be at, would be helpful to the City.


Thanks -




Kennedy/Jenks Consultants

Christopher W. Kelsey, P.E.
32001 32nd Ave. South, Suite 100
Federal Way
, WA 98001

( 253-874-0555 | Direct: 253-942-3467
        Cell: 253-670-5402 | Fax: 253-952-3435



From: David Randolph []
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 7:46 AM
To: James Kelly; Chris Kelsey
Cc: Tom Giese; Eric deMontigny; Randy Norman
Subject: RE: Geotech Boring/Test Pit locations

All locations have been verified and we would like to make a few relocations as followed below.  Also since all locations are on private property we did not call in locates from the utility locate service.  I will be out of the office during the the work so Randy Norman will represent the City.  I have included all his contact information below.


WWTP locations as followed.


B1 is ok as located and marked with locate marking paint.

B2 Location was moved east and south as shown on the attached PDF.  the original is in a location of electric conduit.

B3 Location was moved 10 feet to the east do to underground power running from power pole at north property line to the equipment room as shown on attached PDF file.

B4 Location was moved 10 feet to the west out of the flower bed and in to the parking area.


Compost facility locations are ok as requested.


Boring #1 is marked with marking paint.

test pits # 1,2, and three are in the dirt and not marked. But ok.


Randy Norman

Senior Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator

Office 360-403-3526

Cell 425-754-7441



Thank you,


David Randolph

City of Arlington

wastewater Utility Supervisor



From: James Kelly
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2007 12:06 PM
To: Chris Kelsey
Cc: Tom Giese; Eric deMontigny; David Randolph
Subject: RE: Geotech Boring/Test Pit locations

Chris –


David and I discussed your email regarding the proposed Geotech Boring and Test Pit work, our response to your questions is as follows:


  1. Confirmation of utility clearance at the proposed locations.

·         David is field verifying the proposed boring and pit locations; he will send a follow up email with a confirmation or moved location for each site. 

·         The Geotech Contractor will coordinate with the City (David or his designee) for exact boring and test pit locations. 

·         The City will apply for and obtain the necessary utility clearance for the Geotech Contractor to perform his work at the locations approved by the City.   


  1. Confirmation that July 16 and 17, the currently scheduled dates for the drillers to be on site, will be OK and not disturb your operations. We expect that, as those dates approach, we'll receive more specifics about the drillers' schedule.

·         David will be out of the office on those dates, he has designated Randy Norman as the Geotech’s point of contact for all field work related to the geotech borings and test pits.  Kevin Bleeck will assist Randy for work at the BCF.


  1. Feedback: the geotech has asked if it is permissible to leave the cuttings on site? They estimate each boring will produce less than 5 cubic feet of material.

·         All borings will be properly backfilled and the surface restored to original condition.  The contractor may leave excess cuttings from the borings at the boring location – make sure they are neatly stored.   

·         All material excavated from the test pit locations will be replaced and compacted; there should be no excess cuttings at the surface.  The Geotech Contractor shall restore the test pit excavation surface to original condition.



Thank you –




From: Chris Kelsey []
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 4:21 PM
To: James Kelly; David Randolph
Cc: Tom Giese; Eric deMontigny
Subject: Geotech Boring/Test Pit locations



Attached you'll find PDFs of the WWTP and BCF sites, with proposed boring/test pit locations for the geotechnical evaluation. There are 4 proposed borings at the WWTP, and 1 boring and 3 test pits proposed at the BCF. Also attached in the PDF are drawings we have from you that illustrate existing structures and facilities, with our approximate dimensioned offsets from those facilities to the boring locations. We need a few things from you on this:

  1. Confirmation of utility clearance at the proposed locations.
  2. Confirmation that July 16 and 17, the currently scheduled dates for the drillers to be on site, will be OK and not disturb your operations. We expect that, as those dates approach, we'll receive more specifics about the drillers' schedule.
  3. Feedback: the geotech has asked if it is permissible to leave the cuttings on site? They estimate each boring will produce less than 5 cubic feet of material.


A final note on the boring location B4 at the WWTP, where we have located it outside the privy buffer and historic property. If for some reason that site can not be mitigated, or the City desires to not perform the data recovery, our general thought would be to locate the MBR building more to the west, which might require an east-west flip-flop of the current utilities admin building and the proposed MBR building. We think this could be done such that both buildings remain outside the 33 foot buffer, but we will need to think some about space requirements for any possible ultimate capacity expansion.

Please provide response at your nearest convenience. Happy 4th to you both -



<<Proposed WWTP Borings.PDF>> <<Proposed BCF Borings.PDF>>

Kennedy/Jenks Consultants

Christopher W. Kelsey, P.E.
32001 32nd Ave. South, Suite 100
Federal Way
, WA 98001

( 253-874-0555 | Direct: 253-942-3467
        Cell: 253-670-5402 | Fax: 253-952-3435