From: Chris Kelsey []
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 4:21 PM
To: James Kelly; David Randolph
Cc: Tom Giese; Eric deMontigny
Subject: Geotech Boring/Test Pit locations

Attachments: Proposed WWTP Borings.PDF; Proposed BCF Borings.PDF


Attached you'll find PDFs of the WWTP and BCF sites, with proposed boring/test pit locations for the geotechnical evaluation. There are 4 proposed borings at the WWTP, and 1 boring and 3 test pits proposed at the BCF. Also attached in the PDF are drawings we have from you that illustrate existing structures and facilities, with our approximate dimensioned offsets from those facilities to the boring locations. We need a few things from you on this:

A final note on the boring location B4 at the WWTP, where we have located it outside the privy buffer and historic property. If for some reason that site can not be mitigated, or the City desires to not perform the data recovery, our general thought would be to locate the MBR building more to the west, which might require an east-west flip-flop of the current utilities admin building and the proposed MBR building. We think this could be done such that both buildings remain outside the 33 foot buffer, but we will need to think some about space requirements for any possible ultimate capacity expansion.

Please provide response at your nearest convenience. Happy 4th to you both -


<<Proposed WWTP Borings.PDF>> <<Proposed BCF Borings.PDF>>

Kennedy/Jenks Consultants

Christopher W. Kelsey, P.E.
32001 32nd Ave. South, Suite 100
Federal Way, WA 98001

( 253-874-0555 | Direct: 253-942-3467
        Cell: 253-670-5402 | Fax: 253-952-3435