From:                              Chris Kelsey []

Sent:                               Friday, May 16, 2008 8:42 AM

To:                                   James Kelly

Cc:                                   David Randolph; Tom Giese; Eric deMontigny

Subject:                          RFI #5

Attachments:                 RFI No 5.doc; RFI No 5.pdf


Good Morning Jim:

Attached is RFI #5 in Word and PDF. We believe that, as we make the final flurry of decisions that will allow us to finalize contract documents, there will likely be a few more of these. Hopefully you'll notice that these items are no longer major in terms of design ramifications, and therefore items generally will require very brief review and confirmation by the COA team. We have asked for response on these items by next Wednesday, and are also in need outstanding RFI #4 items quickly to allow us to progress adequately.

We again appreciate all of COA staff's efforts in responding to these requests. Please let us know if a conference call would aid in clearing items out. In doing this, we might be able to reach verbal resolution of the items that will allow us to proceed, and you can follow up with written responses as your schedule allows over the next few weeks.

A last item I think we need to work towards today is giving Karmen feedback on the draft notification letters that I forwarded to you a few days ago with my comments/edits.

I am in the office until around noon today, and will then be taking off to the peninsula for a weekend canoe trip (weather gods were looking out for us on this one!).



<<RFI No 5.doc>> <<RFI No 5.pdf>>

Kennedy/Jenks Consultants
Christopher W. Kelsey, P.E.
32001 32nd Ave. South, Suite 100
Federal Way, WA 98001

( 253-874-0555 | Direct: 253-942-3467
      Cell: 253-670-5402 | Fax: 253-952-3435