From: Chris Kelsey []
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 4:06 PM
To: James Kelly
Subject: RE:
Thank you Jim.
I am in the process of compiling our responses to the City's 10% Design review comments, which I will get out to you this week, and these will take care of the first two bullets of BCF item 2. The responses cumulatively took us some time and are lengthy, we thought it was worth the time to hammer out as much of the detail up front as we could - but our hope and need is for ensuing review periods to become more consolidated, in terms of comment exchange.  
On BCF item 2 bullet three, I had a discussion with Mark a few days ago, and the ability to expedite the BCF schedule to 60% is possible, but I personally don't think by much. Critical items at the BCF that we'll need City input and decisions on shortly to keep moving include which odor control system to design around (4 options were evaluated on a life cycle basis, and are part of our forthcoming response comments) and the dimensions of the mixer/conveyor system the City is working to procure.
I think there is ample, and very realistic, opportunity to expedite the BCF design schedule between 60% and 90% - but we'll keep pushing as efficiently as we can.
I think we can agree that the 10% review period gave rise to many "mini-evaluations" which we are in the midst of: digestion SRT/thickening, types of screening technologies, types of dewatering technologies, odor control methods, evaluation of energy efficient blowers, interim construction UV/membrane equipment installation options, etc. All these things have merit to explore, as we want to give Arlington exactly what you want, but it isn't until we work through them and finalize our design criteria for all unit processes/equipment that we can really start churning on design.
On budget/schedule issues, please call me at your convenience. Also on my list of things to do shortly is preparation of our next invoicing to you.
Let us review your updated status on the action items, and then I'll attempt to pool together one cumulative current list of issues to be resolved.  

Thanks -


( 253-874-0555 | Direct: 253-942-3467
        Cell: 253-670-5402 | Fax: 253-952-3435


From: James Kelly []
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 2:34 PM
To: Chris Kelsey
Cc: David Randolph; Mark Cullington; Eric deMontigny; Tom Giese

Chris –


A few items:


  1. Attached is an update to the status of outstanding COA Action Items assigned during the 10% Design Workshop.



  1. David & I are still waiting for information on the BCF upgrade, specifically,

·         BCF design assumptions,  

·         Shed size requirements (sf and number of sheds)

·         BCF Schedule – Mark stated that he thought the 60% submittal might be ready in November


  1. Project Management update – we need to discuss overall project schedule and budget issues.


Thank you –



James X. Kelly, PE | Utilities Manager

City of Arlington | Utilities Division

154 West Cox Ave.

Arlington, WA 98223

Phn:  360-403-3505

Fax:  360-435-7944