From: Chris Kelsey []
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2007 9:52 AM
To: James Kelly
Subject: FW: Final Design Documents fINAL CUT
Will do. You'll receive revised PDFs from me today, and Len will get the new Fed Ex on Tuesday. Thanks -

From: James Kelly []
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2007 9:24 AM
To: Chris Kelsey
Cc: Len Olive; Vanetta R Warren
Subject: RE: Final Design Documents fINAL CUT

Chris –


  1. Let’s proceed with the hours/costs as we last requested.  Please prepare two new signed copies of the proposed amendment with the revised hours/costs and forward to Len.


  1. I will meet with Len this morning and advise him to shred the proposed amendment he will receive today from Fed Ex.


  1. For my records, can you email a copy of the FINAL documents to me (SOW, spreadsheet, Gantt Chart, etc).


Thank you Chris – I too am looking forward to start working on this important showcase project




Dick – Once again, a big thanks from the City for you invaluable assistance on this project.



All – have a good weekend,


Jim Kelly




From: Vanetta R Warren []
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 8:09 PM
To: Chris Kelsey
Cc: James Kelly; Len Olive
Subject: Re: Final Design Documents fINAL CUT


Jim, Chris: I think we should use the hours as we last transmitted them. The City has a contingency that if necessary can be used once we are close to bidding, but it isn't a given. Jim, unless you feel otherwise let's go with our last direction. Dick

----- Original Message -----

From: Chris Kelsey

To: Vanetta R Warren

Cc: James Kelly

Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 5:07 PM

Subject: RE: Final Design Documents fINAL CUT




Thanks for your input. My comments on your requested changes:


1) As I had mentioned to Jim in the original email below, we did Fed Ex two original copies of the documents out to Len's attention in the afternoon mail today. These documents just eliminated the landscape architecture, but do not reflect the other requests suggested below. So please forewarn Len to toss those in lieu of a fresh round the revised documents, which we will try to Fed Ex tomorrow.


2) In regards to the other revisions, I will adjust our Tasks 4.14, 4.15 (sorry for the typo), and 4.22 to the levels of effort you suggest below. Done.


3) On Task 4.24, we altered the total number of hours for Bidding Services from 120 to 172. I saw the increase in time from 2 factors, two separate pre-bid meetings and walk-throughs (as opposed to one), and the fact that we were going to be on the phone with contractors for 12 weeks instead of 8 weeks (which presumes a 4 wk bid period on the BCF and an 8 wk bid period for the WWTP). Considering an increased number of addenda and bid tabs, and the fact that we think we'll be spending a lot of time answering contractors questions on the WWTP at a minimum (when a $20M+ contract hits the street, there's usually interest) - I thought this increase in hours was justified, and am actually worried that it might turn out a little light. The two of you have always been our proponent, and I'll adjust this task to your wishes as well, but I'd ask you to consider granting us the additional time on this one.


We will draft up the new revised documents, including the language change on the cover letter, tomorrow morning. If you'll allow us to include the 172 hours on Task 4.24 instead of reverting to 120, please let me know before 11 AM Friday morning. Otherwise, I'll scale that back as well. And again, please let me know if the cover letter should be addressed to you Jim, at the Utilities Building, instead of Len.


Thanks -




Kennedy/Jenks Consultants

Christopher W. Kelsey, P.E.
32001 32nd Ave. South, Suite 100
Federal Way
, WA 98001

( 253-874-0555 | Direct: 253-942-3467
        Cell: 253-670-5402 | Fax: 253-952-3435



From: Vanetta R Warren []
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 3:17 PM
To: Chris Kelsey
Cc: James Kelly
Subject: Fw: Final Design Documents fINAL CUT

Chris: See changes Jim and I agree on. Please revise documents and  submitt fo Council action. Dick

----- Original Message -----

From: James Kelly

Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 8:27 AM

Subject: RE: Final Design Documents


Dick -


Task 4.14I think they had enough hours at 852 so let's say no.

I agree with the having enough hours at 852 for PM to accomplish the fast tracking of the compost facility design - this design will be relatively simple.  Do you think my request for a QA/QC memorandum is appropriate?  Should we consider perhaps an additional 16-20 hours for these memorandums (4 to 5 hrs for each memorandum at 10%, 30%, 60%, 90% submittals)?

I agree 20 hours. dick  


Task 4.15 (not 4.14)  This is over done. I say 20 hours max

I agree.


Task 4.18 OK

I agree.


Task 4.19 OK

I agree.


Task 4.22 Let's eliminate the landscape sub. KJC will do the site grading and you can designate any areas to be planted as final cleanup.

I agree.


Task 4.24 They had plenty in there before. I say no.

I agree, the bidding support for the BFC will be very minor.


I will be in training today at City hall (H0w to Improve at Writing Grants), but will come back to office to follow up on emails.  Either I can call KJ, or you can cal..I also have a minor comment on the cover letter, first paragraph:


change "associated with the expansion of the"  to "associated with the upgrade and expansion of the "


Through out the process we have been calling this project an "Upgrade and Expansion"; upgrade to meet new promulgated water quality rules, and expansion for future City growth.



Thank you -





From: Vanetta R Warren []
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 4:31 PM
To: James Kelly
Subject: Re: Final Design Documents


Jim: Here are my thoughts:


    Task 4.14I think they had enough hours at 852 so let's say no.

    Task 4.15 ( not 4.14)  This is over done. I say 20 hours max

    Task 4.18 OK

    Task 4.19 OK

    Task 4.22 Let's eliminate the landscape sub. KJC will do the site grading and you can designate any areas to be planted as final cleanup

    Task 4.24 They had plenty in there before. I say O


As to schedule I have no problem with a bit more time given all the hoops to be jumped. Why don't you make your final decision and then let Chris know. Is that OK? I will be available late Thursday, or after hours and then before 9:00 Friday. Dick

----- Original Message -----

From: James Kelly

Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 8:35 AM

Subject: RE: Final Design Documents


Dick -


I have already told Chris to eliminate the landscape line item on both the WWTP & BCF, reduction = $31,200.00. 


From: Vanetta R Warren []
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 9:50 PM
To: James Kelly
Subject: Re: Final Design Documents


Jim: I agree. That should almost cover the construction of the limited landscaping needed at this stage. We should delete this item and handle it locally as a direct City contract. Coordination won't be difficult starting at about the 30% level. Do you want to advise Chris? Dick

----- Original Message -----

From: James Kelly

Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 3:17 PM

Subject: RE: Final Design Documents


Dick -


The only problem I see is with item 4.22, a cost of $31,200 for landscape design.....I think that is too much for a planting plan (excludes irrigation).  I think we can probably hire locally for this design work.


What do you think?




From: Chris Kelsey []
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 2:12 PM
To: James Kelly; Vanetta R Warren
Subject: Final Design Documents



Please find attached, in this and 3 ensuing emails, our proposed Amendment No. 4 Scope/Schedule and Budget exhibits for Final Design of the WWTP and BCF facility expansions. I have also attached placeholders for exhibits to be added under Phase 4C - Construction Services, per your request. Also, previous amendment authorization letters have been addressed to Len, which we have temporarily done again here, but please let me know if we should change this letter and address to you Jim.

As I am very conscious about budgets, especially after you have reviewed a budget number under a previous draft of our proposal, I want to make sure to identify the items that have caused change in this final proposal. The scope and budget for the last proposal that you reviewed, which was the basis of our conversations during our May 11 meeting at our offices, had a bottom line fee estimate of $1,721,397 before the City Management Reserve. The attached proposal has a fee estimate total of $1,779,047. An identification of the items that resulted in the overall increase is as follows:

  • Task 4.14, PM and QA/QC - We have added additional senior hours of QA/QC to cover 2 issues we discussed in our May 11 meeting, 1) an additional review period has been created from the decision to fast track the compost facility design and bid as a separate package in advance of the WWTP (the 100% submissions will now be separate, while the BCF design will reach 60% at 30% WWTP and 90% at the 60% WWTP), and 2) additional hours to specifically identify the QA/QC program that was performed internally before release to the City, and will include such information as what senior engineers reviewed what documents, and the word processing protocol in producing the deliverable. An increase of approximately $12,000.
  • Task 4.14, Membrane Equip Selection - We have added an additional item "I" which separately identifies our assistance to the City in developing equipment criteria and warranty information to be utilized in selecting and pre-purchasing the new BCF mixer, which will be a slightly different procurement technique than that utilized for the membrane equipment. An increase of approximately $6,000.
  • Task 4.18 Site Investigations - The previous budget had a placeholder amount of $20,000. We have since received an official proposal from GeoEngineers in Everett, which came in at $25,000, and included provisions for 4 borings at the WWTP in the locations of new buildings, as well as one boring at the BCF. We think this is appropriate. Additionally, a follow-up conversation with Cascade Surveying of Arlington on their initial proposal resulted in a $1,200 increase to account for field time and data download for performing spot elevations of existing facilities and dipping of manholes/sumps to be added to their topographical and utility survey.
  • Task 4.19 Permitting Assistance - After conversations with our subconsultant, ESA/Adolfson, on their initial proposal, $3,000 was added for permitting assistance associated with getting a Shoreline permit and the possibility of needing an HPA permit through Fish and Wildlife.
  • Task 4.22, Final Design Documents - Our previous proposal had a placeholder of $12,000 for landscape architecture. We performed lots of research to identify a local firm, including asking the advice of Perteet, who we know the City utilizes on road projects, and came to the conclusion that a viable consultant could not be found locally. We received an estimate from Osborn Pacific of Seattle, which came in much higher, but had them cut down the number of design submittals, eliminate design of an irrigation system, and eliminate their estimated time associated with City permitting, and have received an updated proposal of $31,200. This includes submission of 10% conceptual sketches, followed by 90% and 100% submittals that include landscape plans and details for perimeter plantings/screening at the WWTP, as well as additional plantings on the west entrance side of the BCF, on both sides of the entrance driveway.
  • Task 4.24, Bidding Services - We have increased our hours to reflect two different bidding periods for the BCF and WWTP, which will require more time addressing contractor inquiries, and require an additional pre-bid meeting/walk through and bid tabulation. An increase of approximately $8,000.


The schedule has shifted such that completion is now about 2 months later for two reasons: 1) the 60% submittal was shifted back about 3 weeks so that there was time to incorporate information from the membrane shop drawings into the 60% submittal following our review of the shop drawings, and 2) the original schedule showed completion of the final bid documents before getting comments back from Ecology. We reduced the Ecology review period to about 65 days (45 working days) and showed completion of the final bid documents for the WWTP about 3 weeks later. This puts completion at the beginning of September, versus first part of July in the previous version of the schedule. Approved City permit review is based on the 90% WWTP submittal and it is assumed that L&I and City building, planning, and fire dept. review periods will be no longer than the Ecology review periods. The same assumptions were made regarding reviews for the BCF.

I have 2 original copies that I will hold on overnight mailing to you until Thursday PM, to allow you to provide final feedback and review comments for incorporation. And in regards to your request for an electronic version of the schedule Jim, let me know if you need more than what is included in this PDF package - I'm sure I could get it sent along in Microsoft Project as well. Thanks again for your support, and we are very excited to get rolling on this important showcase project!


<<Letter Scope Amend 4.pdf>>

Kennedy/Jenks Consultants

Christopher W. Kelsey, P.E.
32001 32nd Ave. South, Suite 100
Federal Way
, WA 98001

( 253-874-0555 | Direct: 253-942-3467
        Cell: 253-670-5402 | Fax: 253-952-3435