From: James Kelly
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 2:20 PM
To: Dick Warren (email)
Cc: Len Olive
Subject: WWTP Design Consultant Selection - Requested Information

Attachments: WWTP Upgrade and Expansion_ER Comment Letter_April 2007.doc; RE: Arlington Engineering Comment Letter; Task_Order__1_-_WWTP_Funding_Program.doc

Dick –


Re:      WWTP Design Consultant Selection - Requested Information


As you requested during Tuesday’s (04-17-07) phone conversation, below is miscellaneous information and thoughts I have regarding how we might move forward with the WWTP Project:


1.      Status of DOE Approval of WWTP Engineering Report – Yesterday evening we received a draft copy of Ecology’s final comments that they want us to review prior to them issuing the official Comment Letter.   Also attached is a followup email correspondence Mike Dawda had from a final DOE reviewer regarding, Stilly flow measurement, temp and DO.


2.      Procurement of Additional Property – As identified in the Report, we are proceeding with the procurement process of the 103 Haller property in order to increase the Utility Plant Complex and to also have a new site for the Admin Office.  We completed a property appraisal and are looking at our next steps (professional negotiator, local Real Estate agent, etc.). 


3.      Archeological Mitigation – I have requested and received a proposal from NW Archeology for the required mitigation work associated with the plant expansion, cost - $36k.  They were the original archeologists who prepared the report and I feel are best suited to perform the mitigation work.  The report has been sent to the State Archeological Office and to the tribes (Tulalip and Stillaguamish).  I will be scheduling this work to be completed summer 2007.


4.      Funding Program – Several items:


-          We received a $7 mil PWTF loan of which we already have taken a 20% draw, we will take the next draw (25%) as soon as we have a design consultant on board.


-          Kris and I submitted a STAG grant application in Feb 2007, requested amount is $1 mil. 


-          I am currently working with the Kris (Utility Division staff account) to prepare the application for another PWTF loan, amount $10 mil and app is due may 7th


-          I am close to signing a Task Order with Katy Isaksen to assist with the development of a WWTP funding program; a copy of the Task Order is attached.  Performance of this Task Order will coincide with the WWTP design; I want to have a Value Engineering Study performed at the 30% design level (Sep-Oct 2007) so that we have a better idea of expected costs and more accurate funding plan.


-          In a March 28, 2007 DOE letter the City has been identified as a disadvantaged community based new median household information from the Governor’s Office – this will open up additional financing opportunities (grants) that need to be explored.   


5.      Regarding the KJ Submitted SOW – While the KJ SOW approach is fairly comprehensive, there are areas I think need to be discussed and/or negotiated.  Please see my comments:


-          Existing Contract:  Under the existing contract, phase 4A was for completion of the Engineering Report, Phase 4B can be for design work and preparation of construction documents; and Phase 4C can be used for Construction Management if we elect to give KJ the CM work.  I do not think we should negotiate or authorize CM work with the design work as included in their draft SOW.


-          Billing Rate:  Since we have been identified as a disadvantaged community, we should ask KJ to reduce the billing rates included in the existing contract by 10%.


-          Outside Contractors:  There is no allowance for outside contract work.  I would like to see contracts given to local firms when possible (outreach, publicity, surveying, geotech, graphics, reproduction, landscape design, architects etc.).


-          Building Specialty Designers/Fabricators: Since we need to construct a new Utility Admin Building and have discussed our need with a utility building specialty designers (Driftmier Architects from APWA conference, or others), we might consider having the new WWTP office and lab buildings provided by the same.


6.      Stormwater Wetland: We might consider having the City’s proposed Stormwater Wetland project designed, permitted, and constructed simultaneously with the WWTP.  Since the Report identified a DO/Temp mitigation measure as discharge of effluent into the wetland – we should make sure there is a wetland into which we can discharge.  Also, we can add the Wetland funding into Katy’s Task Order.


7.      Future Water Supplies: The Arlington Water Supply Strategy memo that we are preparing seems to be identifying an increase to the Haller well as a very strong possibility for future water supplies.  An increase in the Haller Well will also require an increase in the WTP capacity; we might look at performing this work at the same time with the WWTP and Wetland.



In closing and as a side note;  Dick, were you a former President of the Washington APWA Chapter?  Last Friday (04-12-07) at the APWA closing luncheon, your name was called out as a past APWA President and, if you were present, you would have received some recognition or award. 


Please call or email if you want to discuss any of the above items.


Thank you –




James X. Kelly, PE | Utilities Manager

City of Arlington | Utilities Division

154 West Cox Ave.

Arlington, WA 98223

Phn:  360-403-3505

Fax:  360-435-7944