Transmittal Report: Created by AutoCAD eTransmit Monday, June 18, 2012, 3:18 PM. Drawing: This is a transmittal based on multiple drawings. Files: Root Drawings: UT-00C-01A.dwg UT-00C-14.dwg UD-00C-01.dwg UD-00C-02.dwg UT-00C-01.dwg UT-00C-02.dwg UT-00C-03.dwg UT-00C-04.dwg UT-00C-05.dwg UT-00C-06.dwg UT-00C-07.dwg UT-00C-08.dwg UT-00C-09.dwg UT-00C-10.dwg UT-00C-11.dwg UT-00C-12.dwg UT-00C-13.dwg AutoCAD Drawing (External) References: 00G-BD22-34.dwg 00V-BE02-01.dwg 00V-BP01-01.dwg 00C-OP01-20.dwg 00C-SP03-20.dwg 00G-SP01-01.dwg 00C-BP01-01.dwg 00C-SP01-20.dwg 00C-PR01-20.dwg 00C-ST01-01.dwg 00C-IL01-20.dwg 00C-TS01-20.dwg AutoCAD Font Map References: acad.fmp AutoCAD Compiled Shape References: Fonts\simplex.shx Fonts\ltypeshp.shx Fonts\romans.shx Fonts\txt.shx Fonts\standard.shx Fonts\ROMAND.shx Fonts\arialbd.shx Fonts\arial.shx TrueType Font file References: Fonts\ARIALBD.TTF Fonts\ARIAL.TTF Fonts\swissbo.ttf Fonts\stylu.ttf Fonts\TAHOMA.TTF JPEG Image References: Textures\Concrete.Cast-In-Place.Flat.Grey.1.jpg AutoCAD Color-dependent Plot Style Table File References: PlotCfgs\HDR-HALF SIZE.ctb TIF Image References: 20120424112809.tif Hamlin.tif Bitmap Image References: Aerials_&_Photos\City of Arlington Logo.bmp The following files could not be located: romans.(shx,ttf) Textures\CONCTILE.TGA Textures\Concrete.Cast-In-Place.Exposed Aggregate.Coarse.jpg Textures\Sitework.Paving & Surfacing.Asphalt.1.jpg Textures\Sitework.Planting.Grass.Short.jpg Textures\Sitework.Planting.Grass.Thick.jpg Textures\Sitework.Planting.Gravel.Crushed.jpg Textures\Sitework.Planting.Gravel.Mixed.jpg Textures\Sitework.Planting.Sand.jpg Textures\Sitework.Planting.Soil.jpg d0760653\Hamlin Sign Arlington.jpg d0760653\Hamlin Sign Arlington3.tif txt.(shx,ttf) romanc.(shx,ttf) romant.(shx,ttf) simplex.(shx,ttf) Point Defiance.(shx,ttf) HDRCivil.(shx,ttf) pwrltshp.(shx,ttf) Revised Borders\HDR Engineering Inc.jpg FS.(shx,ttf) arialbdbig.(shx,ttf) Notes for distribution: .DWG external reference files: External reference (xref) paths may be present. Make sure these paths work or that the root drawing is using the correct references. eTransmit does not include files required by xrefs unless they are also required by the root drawing. In particular, plot style tables and overlay xrefs that are not used by the root drawing are omitted Raster image files: Paths may be present on references to raster images. Make sure these paths work or that the root drawing is using the correct references. .SHX fonts: Please copy these fonts to the AutoCAD Fonts directory and check with the font manufacturer about distribution rights. Fonts supplied with AutoCAD are freely distributable. .TTF fonts: TTF fonts must be registered with the Operating System. To register, copy these files to the system fonts folder or use the fonts application in the Control Panel. Check with the font manufacturer about distribution rights. Fonts supplied with AutoCAD are freely distributable. .CTB/.STB plot style tables: Please copy these files to the AutoCAD Plot Style Table Search Path directory. Material texture files: Please copy these files to the AutoCAD Texture Maps Search Path directory. The AutoCAD variable FONTALT was set to: C:\Documents and Settings\tlivings\Application Data\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2008\R17.1\enu\support\simplex.shx Please make sure that the FONTALT variable is set to this file or an equivalent before opening any drawings. All text styles with missing fonts are automatically set to this font.